DC Society Putting community into Data Centre thinking

DC Society Putting community into Data Centre thinking
How we use data is changing fast
The demand for data centres is predicted to grow at between 10-20% 1 a year for the next five years with the boom in cloud storage, high performance computing and generative AI driving much of the need. The market is also diversifying with growth areas needing more data, meaning that, in the rush to build data centres to meet the disparate needs of our data-hungry world, some parts of society could get left behind. Big infrastructure can seem impersonal, power stations and reservoirs are considered dangerous and distant. Data centres are similarly secure sites, impersonal buildings with secrets locked within. Most people feel disconnected from these places. On one level, data centres provide jobs to build and to operate them, but could they provide more benefits?
Data centres do not need to be pitted in competition against local communities for access to resources, they can enable other opportunities for people instead.
The placement of data centres, and defining their relationship with the community around them, has the potential to improve health outcomes, create jobs, support research centres and draw in high value data industries. This means that data centre developers have a responsibility to work with other stakeholders to create a positive impact on society, beyond data buildings and campuses. In this report, we have spoken to several key players from the industry and using their insights, we’ve looked at ways that data centres can be more socially integrated into their local communities. Understanding a community’s needs is a crucial part of the process of any large-scale development, and with data centre development it is no different. At Hoare Lea, our Mission Critical team assists data centre clients in navigating the evolving requirements of this sector. We strive for the highest quality in latest technology thinking, security, and resilience, with energy-efficiency and carbon-management solutions, designed with societal insight. Our work is one part of the puzzle that makes data centres tick.
Derek Main Director, Data Centre, Mission Critical, Hoare Lea
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